Nathan Cahill
Web aesthete and open source aficionado.
Hello, I'm Nathan Cahill — a full-stack developer and outdoor photographer. I live and work while travelling the world with my wife and two dogs. I'm an ardent champion of building towards a high‑performance, low‑bandwidth web.
When I’m not working, you’ll find me rock climbing, skiing or surfing with my pups.
Recent posts
Transitional Apps with Phoenix and Svelte
Read full postBuilding robust transitional apps with Phoenix and Svelte.
Duo Mobile CLI
Read full postGenerating TOTP codes from the Duo Mobile app with a CLI.
Building Lambdas with GitHub Actions
Read full postUsing LambCI on GitHub Actions to build Lambda functions and layers.
Serving Maps with Cloudflare Workers
Read full postServe Bing Maps as slippy tiles with a tile proxy running on Cloudflare.
Working with Vercel and AWS SNS
Read full postUse Production and Preview deployments on Vercel with AWS SNS.
Introducing Dainte
Read full postPainless testing for Svelte components. Introducing a new testing framework for Svelte.
Introducing Sveltik
Read full postPowerful forms in Svelte, inspired by Formik. Manage your form’s state and validation.
Let’s chat
I’m keen on compiler-driven frontends (like Svelte, data-driven backends (like Postgrest, GraphQL and Datasette), utility-first design (like Tailwind CSS) and serverless functions (like Cloudflare Workers and Vercel). If we have common interests or if you just want to say hi, shoot me a note: nathan@nathancahill.com.
I also send out occasional emails about new projects and writings.