
Serving Maps with Cloudflare Workers

Two of my favorite things, exploring the mountains and mapping, intersect outdoors with GPS apps. I’m always on the hunt for new, interesting maps. Gaia GPS is my go-to app for this stuff; I load it up with all the layers and data I can find.

The author hiking in the mountains

One map that I always keep handy is Bing Maps. Don’t let the “Bing” part of the name deceive you, it’s well known in the mapping industry for having one of the best free aerial layers. Microsoft combines orthographic aerial and satellite imagery, giving you detail that’s not available from satellites alone. The tile service for the aerial layer isn’t public, but Bing offers a generous free tier through the Bing Maps Dev Center by signing up and creating an API key.

Serving Bing Maps as Slippy Tiles

To get Bing Maps up and running on Gaia GPS or other apps, tile requests need to be converted from the Open Street Map standard slippy tiles to the (appropriately named) Bing Maps Tile System. Bing’s system is based on the quadtree algorithm, so the function for converting a slippy tile with x, y and z keys to a quadtree key is simple enough:

function toQuadKey(x, y, z) {
    var index = ''
    for (var i = z; i > 0; i--) {
        var b = 0
        var mask = 1 << (i - 1)
        if ((x & mask) !== 0) b++
        if ((y & mask) !== 0) b += 2
        index += b.toString()
    return index

The catch is that this function must run for every slippy tile request so it can be converted on the fly to a quadtree key. Additionally, zooming or panning around a map can fire off a ton of requests simultaneously. Enter: Cloudflare Workers.

For the uninitiated, Cloudflare Workers were basically designed for this type of workload. A worker is simply a JavaScript function that handles an HTTP request. In this case, the worker takes the incoming HTTP tile request, transforms it to a request that Bing understands, and sends the response back to the user.

Unforunately, Bing doesn’t make it quite that easy. Before any Bing layers can be loaded, the layer endpoint must be requested from the Bing Maps Metadata API.

> fetch('https://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Imagery/Metadata/{imagerySet}?key={key}&uriScheme=https')
  "resourceSets": [
      "resources": [
          "imageUrl": "http://ecn.t3.tiles.virtualearth.net/tiles/{quadkey}.jpeg?g=471&mkt={culture}}",

The metadata API has a lower rate limit than normal tile requests and loading it for every tile is not be feasible. Cloudflare Workers are idempotent and share no state from one request to the next. Enter: Cloudflare KV.

Caching Imagery Metadata

Using Cloudflare KV, the latest tile endpoint can be cached so it’s reused for every subsequent tile request. The cache is keyed by imagery layer and a hash of the user’s API key. By including the API key hash, the cache is bucketed by Bing Maps user. In this snippet, the Cloudflare KV store is injected into the runtime as a global ENDPOINTS variable.

async function getCacheKey(imagerySet, key) {
    const buffer = new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode(key)
    const digest = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-1', buffer)
    return `${imagerySet}:${digest}`

async function getTemplate(imagerySet, key) {
    const cacheKey = await getCacheKey(imagerySet, key)
    return ENDPOINTS.get(cacheKey)

All that’s left is to connect the pieces together. When a request hits the worker, the query string and URL path parameters are parsed:

const url = new URL(request.url)
const query = [...new URLSearchParams(url.search.slice(1)).entries()].reduce(
    (q, [k, v]) => Object.assign(q, { [k]: v }),
// { key: '<Bing Maps API key>', culture: 'en-US' }

const m = url.pathname.match(/^/(w+)/(d+)/(d+)/(d+).jpg$/m)
const [path, imagerySet, z, x, y] = m
// [path, 'Aerial', 1, 1, 1]

Then the tile URL template is retrieved from the cache, the x, y and z parameters are converted to a quadkey, and the actual tile is fetched from Bing:

const template = await getTemplate(imagerySet, query.key)
const quadkey = toQuadKey(x, y, z)
const tile = await fetchTile(template, quadkey, z, query.culture)

Finally, the worker returns the proxied response:

return new Response(tile.body, {
    status: tile.status,
    statusText: tile.statusText,
    headers: tile.headers,

The whole process is blazing fast since the worker and data store are deployed to Cloudflare endpoints around the globe. The tile proxy is basically transparent to the end user. No user data is stored, and it runs at no cost.

After writing this service almost a year ago, it’s now handling around 50k requests per week with zero errors and no maintenance.

Get started with the tile proxy

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