
Working with Vercel and AWS SNS

We work on a lot of FaaS/serverless projects for clients. We use Vercel for deploys, especially during the initial development and prototyping phase. It allows us to ship new features and iterate on them very quickly.

Per-branch previews are awesome

One feature that we really enjoy is the per-branch previews. Branches are deployed to a URL like project-branch.vercel.app. It keeps all stackholders on the same page and allows them to test new features in the same environment as prod. Particularly nice is the immutable nature of each deploy. Each deploy is assigned a canonical URL by Vercel, running the exact version of the code that was deployed at the time.

AWS SNS is awesome

We also heavily use AWS Simple Notification Service and Simple Queue Service for background tasks. Tasks like emailing password reset emails are triggered by notifications on SNS. The actual task is handled by a webhook running on Vercel. Largely, SNS and SQS become the backbone of our serverless architecture.

Trigger Message SNS project.com

This arrangement works fine for production. We can manually register URLs like project.com/api/task to topics in the SNS dashboard. But preview deployments are trickier. If we only have the production URL project.com registered on SNS, notifications triggered by newer branches will only hit older code running in production:

Message Trigger SNS project.com branch.vercel.app

Registering new deployments on SNS

To solve this, we wrote an SNS integration for Vercel. When a new branch is deployed, it registers the new deployment URL on SNS. URLs subscriptions are registered by topic, then by environment. Specific topics can be subscribed to in production, preview or both:

Signing up for the integration requires creating a IAM role with permission to access SNS. Only three actions (sns:Subscribe, sns:ListSubscriptionsByTopic and sns:ListTopics) are required in the policy and the integration wizard walks you through setting it up. Here is an example policy, the resources can be customized to lock it down to only the topics you need.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "sns:Subscribe",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:sns:*:*:*"
            "Sid": "VisualEditor1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

Once the IAM role is in place, add the AWS keys to the integration and configure the endpoints. All data is stored on Vercel as part of the integration configuration.

Filtering messages by origin

Now that SNS messages are being received by all deployments, it’s important to filter by origin, so that tasks run in the same environment that they were dispatched from. SNS has a nice feature for message filtering with filter policies. This can be enabled in the integration by checking the Filter by origin box. Messages sent to SNS must then include the canonical origin (or an alias) in the MessageAttributes, and only matching origins will be delivered:

await sns.publish({
    Message: JSON.stringify({
        email: 'name@example.com',
    TopicArn: 'arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:xxxxxxxxxx:signup',
    MessageAttributes: {
        origin: {
            DataType: 'String',
            StringValue: process.env.VERCEL_URL,

If Filter by origin is enabled, messages must have the origin set in MessageAttributes, or no messages will be delivered. Of course, filtering can turned off and custom filtering strategies can be implemented by the client instead.

Get the integration

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